Double chin goals or jawline goals? Obviously, after the jawline trend, we have recognized where we are heading. One can also gaga over that even without cutting down favorite food and stepping out for rigorous exercises. How? Well, have you heard about the double chin treatment? Whether your answer is yes or no, here is the gist on double chin cosmetic treatment before moving towards a detailed discussion. When excess fat is collected below the chin and makes the neck look baggy, this treatment helps in getting a streamlined chin without undergoing any surgery.
How does the double chin treatment work?
There are various methods to cut down fat, and one of them is Kybella (deoxycholic acid) injections. It is injected beneath the chin, which melts down the excess fat, which is then absorbed by the body. It is wise to visit a skin clinic at least twice or else recommended by your facial aesthetic healthcare expert.
What are some other non-surgical cosmetic treatments to cut down on double chin fat?
Facelifts and neck lifts are two such cosmetic treatments when performed by the best skin specialist in Udaipur like Dr.Chirag Agrawal or Dr. Garima Agrawal, which helps to evade the chances of failure. Neck lift shapes the neck and uplifts the contours of the neck along with the chin.
When one chooses a complete facelift treatment, it removes sagging wrinkles from the face, neck, and chin. This non-surgical double-chin treatment restructures the entire facial area and highlights features.
What will be the results of this treatment?
One will not see the result just after a single seating. The person is required, to go more than once, and the effective result will start showing after a month.
You may have swelling and redness post-treatment which is totally normal but if it increases and stays more than two days, then talk to your skin specialist directly.

When should you consider the double chin treatment?
Firstly, it depends on one’s skin type and health. Other than that, here are a few reasons:
- If you have excess fat under the chin and on the neck
- If you’re looking for an alternative to surgical treatment.
- If you do not have a weak chin bone
- If your skin hasn’t lost its elasticity.
What are pre and post-precautions?
- Avoid fatty acids like flax oil, vitamin A, etc. for three days before treatment
- Avoid excessive salty food.
- Avoid any kind of addiction like alcohol, or cigarettes for two days before and after the treatment.
- Apply ice for a couple of days after the double chin treatment. It will help to avoid swelling, redness, or bruising.
- Add more liquid to your diet.
- Sleep keeps your face elevated.
- Do not touch the area which is treated for the next two-three days.
How can Dr. Chirag Agrawal and Dr.Garima Agrawal from Aarogya help you?
Dr. Chirag Agrawal and Dr.Garima Agrawal are the most renowned facial aesthetics experts in entire India. They have learned the art from the best places in Europe and he is an eminent speaker in the field of facial aesthetics. He is among the top 5 experts and acts as a trainer to teach this science across the globe.
We also hope all the queries regarding double chin treatment answered above help you in making a decision.